Saturday, 31 December 2011

For every down there's an up.

Things that happened to my little monkey in 2011:

  1. One status epilepticus (80 mins long)
  2. Two new medication regimes (both failed)
  3. A new type of night-time seizure emerged (with vomiting afterwards - lovely)
  4. A new diagnosis to add to the list (autism)

Things that little monkey did this year:

  1. Swam in the sea
  2. Learned to write the days of the week (copying)
  3. Climbed to the top of a huge climbing wall
  4. Learned to sing 'jingle bells'

It can be so hard living with a special needs child, it can be frustrating, heart-breaking and exhausting all at the same time. But what keeps me sane is looking for the positive, amazing, clever things that he does. I know there will be more problems to face in 2012, more seizures, more trips to hospital, more meltdowns. But one question keeps me going - what will he do next?


  1. Great post happy new year to you hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you

  2. I think your blog just shows how we all have to cope with the bad days and celebrate the good. All the best for 2012 for you and your family xx

  3. Thank you Wendy and Kathy, let's hope this year is a good one.
