Friday, 23 December 2011

Balancing the meds and the boy

Why is it so difficult to get seizure control? This week little monkey has had three seizures, one at school, one at respite and one at home. Three in a week is not good for him, as we were on about two per month. This week we also finished the Keppra, an epilepsy medication which turned him into a zombie one minute and a crazed attacker the next. Maybe the coming off Keppra is the cause but maybe it's just because he has a cold.

Whatever the reason we're finding it harder and harder to get the right balance for his meds and his life. Lamotrigine brought him out in a terrible rash. Keppra made him angry and uncontrollable. He's been taking Epilim for 5 years but has still had seizures throughout that time, and he's up to the maximum dose. I know there are many drugs out there but for some reason he seems sensitive to so many of them.

The three main issues in his life are all intertwined; the epilepsy, the learning difficulties, and the autism. Seizure control is the most important thing, but whatever we do with his medicine it affects him in the other two areas. The Keppra stopped him learning and made his autistic meltdowns worse. Whatever we do we have to balance the meds with the boy and I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever achieve that elusive seizure control.

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