Saturday, 27 August 2011

Why do the holidays have to be so long?

Only 10 days to go and he's finally turned. We've done well to get this far. I know many parents living with special children have a terrible time in the summer holidays. I'm pleased that he's managed the lack of structure so well up to this point. And I'm pleased that my efforts with visual timetables (weekly, daily, sometimes minute by minute) have played an important part.

But I guess by the end of a long period at home he's just had enough. It doesn't help that his sister is away for the weekend, and Dad is home for the week. All changes to the routine which upset his balance. Then there's the new medicine - our consultant said the only side effect to worry about with Keppra was "rage". Now the rage, or anger at least has arrived. Routine jobs such has getting dressed have become beset with tantrums again, toys get thrown across the room, I am getting bitten and scratched. All these behaviours went away when he went to special school. Four weeks away from special school and gradually they come back. 

So I'm wondering to myself, why can't we have four week summer holidays instead of six and a half weeks? The extra days are for staff training which used to take place in the holidays when I was a kid. I know it would take a massive upheaval to change anything like this, but really some kids are just not cut out to cope with a long break from the kind of schooling that keeps them stable and feeling safe.

Now all I have to do is try to keep my cool and not completely loose my rag with him over the next ten days. Well I can try and if I don't manage it, I can try not to beat myself up too much. Nobody's perfect after all.

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